Ridiculous poker :)
So Sandra called on Friday night with an update on her life, and we talked for about two hours, which is about average for us nowadays. I mentioned to her that I was considering an impromptu trip to a casino on Saturday to play a little live poker. That hadn't actually been true until about 5 seconds before I said it, but I realized that I've missed actually playing poker with other human beings physically at the same table. Casino poker is so much more profitable for me, with fewer distractions, and with the fact that I've become pretty decent at picking up physical tells on people. So I decided I would go ahead and go for it. It's been over two months since I made it to a casino.
I started driving at about 9:30 in the morning and was seated at the table by noon, getting in on a new 1-2NL table. It's unfortunate that the nearest casino that offers poker is over a 2 hour hour drive away, but that's the way it goes, I suppose. There's a casino about a half hour from me that doesn't offer poker yet, but is promising it soon; no doubt it'll be kind of a podunk outfit at first, but still, only being a half hour away might make it something I can do almost every weekend.
In any case, I started off running very hot, the very first hand being dealt 7-8 offsuit in the big blind, with like 5 limpers to me. The flop came 6-9-T with two hearts, SB checked, I checked, guy on my left bets $5, and nobody folds, everyone checking their cards. I check-raised, putting an additional $50 in, a pretty substantial overbet, figuring that a) I didn't really want to see another card when likely up against 4-5 different gutshots, b) It was the first hand, they didn't know I wasn't a maniac, and I might get an opportunistic player to attempt to resteal, and c) I might have run up against a maniac myself. I have no idea whatsoever what I do there if, say, a jack hits the turn.
That dragged me that pot, and the next hand I played was the next time I hit the small blind, again with 5-6 limpers in the pot with 6d 8d. The flop comes, I kid you not, 4d 5d 7d. Nice. Only the third time in my life I've flopped a straight flush.
I check, as does everyone to a guy in middle position, who bets out 10. In the one rotation he'd shown some semi-maniac tendencies, and for some reason I put him immediately on a semi-bluff with a big diamond. Two people call and I don't want to kill that vibe, so I just call. The turn bricks (a black ten) and everyone checks to the same guy, who bets out 10 again. Same result. The river is the 2d. I look over at the guy who'd been betting, who seems very comfortable, so I bet out $50. It's folded to him, and he raises to $100. Nice. Folded back to me, I push, he calls, and the dealer almost starts shoving him the chips, until I point out that I flopped the mortal nuts.
Amazingly he had Ad Kh that hand, and limped pre-flop with it! Oops.
I win a few more hands and quickly have my stack above $500. Then I give almost all of it back in a single hand.
I'm the second limper with 4c 4s, limped all around with something like 8 to the flop (that's the way the table was, early). The flop comes 4h Qd As. Nice :)
I check, and it's checked to a late position player who bets out for 20. I call and everyone else folds. The turn is the Ac, for a board of 4h Qd As Ac. I liked that turn, not because it made me a full house that I almost certainly didn't need, but that because if my opponent had a weak ace, he'd think that made his hand significantly stronger and would be more liable to put chips into the pot. I checked again, he bet out again, 30 this time, and I raised it to 75.
He immediately shoved all-in, a pretty serious overbet, as he had doubled and was playing about $375, meaning he had about $275 more. I glanced at him and said, "you're all what?" Looking at him he was very, very strong, and I hesitate for a second. "You don't have AQ, you don't have aces, you don't have queens. You couldn't possibly have A4, could you? No. I call.
Well, he had A4, and I was almost back down to where I started. That's officially now the biggest pot I've ever lost (over $750 total, $375 of it mine), and I'm proud to say that I took it well, didn't even begin to steam, and continued to play my game.
And - well - I don't even really remember how my chipstack grew from there. At 1-2NL, if you're a solid player, your chipstack just has this tendency to grow. You face four limpers from position, you look down, you see AK, you raise up to 15, you get two to three callers, an ace flops, and you drag the pot with a bet, or you look down at AQ, get one caller, and drag the pot with a continuation bet when a high card flops that you can represent. And occasionally, you get some moron all-in who thinks their two-pair might be good when a flush card hits on the river and there's crazy action in front of them. Enough of that, and you're winning a whole hell of a lot more than you're losing.
None of the action after that point, that I was involved in, is really worth mentioning. However, I do have to share one more hand.
On the turn, the board showed A7A7, and there were three people left in the pot. I had the button, and had folded preflop, and the guy on my left, a tight, solid player, bet out. The middle position player, whose playing style might best be described as super-tight-imbecile (he knew to play tight preflop, but his postflop play was just terrible, way too many calls of big bets with marginal hands) called. The late position player came over the top of them both, all-in. EP player shrugs and says, "okay, I'll chop it with you" and calls. And the middle position player just sits there for, like, over a minute, pondering.
All I could think was, what is this dude having to think about? This was a huge call, over $120 (well, okay, huge for the stakes). The other players on my side of the table are glancing at each other and you could tell we were all thinking the same thing: this guy doesn't have an ace, and he is thinking about talking himself into an atrocious call. There was one guy that was there with me at the table for the whole 11 hours, a good local, and he and I were mouthing the words to an entire conversation: "He has a seven, right?" "Yeah I guess, but it would take a special kind of imbecile to make that call" "Well I think this guy is a special kind of imbecile."
Indeed the middle position imbecile made the call, and indeed he had 7-rag! How stupid can you get! Both of the other players had aces, of course, and were prepared to chop it, when the case fucking 7 hit on the river! The MP-tard scooped the entire fucking pot. The table sat in mute disbelief.
"I wasn't even in that hand", my mouth-conversation partner said later, "and it put ME on tilt."
At the end of the day, I left around midnight for a cashout of $808, $608 of which was profit. The drive home was sleepy, but always nice with the big fat wallet to keep me company.
That win puts my poker bankroll at up over $3000, but I think I want it over $5k before I take a shot at 2-5.