Hurry up and wait. But mostly, hurrying up.
So, I finally got the finalized job offer for my new job, and have been as busy as a pig-town whore on check day for the past week and a half or so. Monday of last week I finally got my full-fledged offer, including a start date, which was, somewhat incredibly, laced with the words “We were hoping you could make it up to Wichita next week and work here for two weeks or so, we have some short-term project work that should be a good fit for you, and we’d like to get to know you a bit better before we ship you off to Iowa.”
Now, ordinarily, a rushed start date wouldn’t be an issue; it certainly would have been nice to have a month or two, to finalize my house-selling preparation, look for a place to stay, and just generally get my shit together, but it’s possible to do these things out of order, and only increases the inconvenience a little bit.
My current situation, however, is fast approaching being out of control. I received my start date last Monday, and didn’t get the exact date confirmed until Thursday. That date was today, Wednesday of the following week. Then, a week from this coming Monday, I move to Iowa. Yikes. That’s two moves, one of them pseudo and one of them for real, in under two weeks. I’m staying in a hotel for the next week, and then moving to Iowa around next weekend. All while getting my house ready to put on the market. Fun, fun.
Thank goodness for my parents (how rarely does anyone use that sentence without any intended irony). They showed up on Friday to help out with some of the cleaning and packing, and also to haul the ’68 Mercury Comet that’s been sitting in my garage for the past 3 years back to their house in Kentucky, where they plan to get it fixed up. They made the drive originally thinking that I would be starting on Monday (because that’s how the original offer made it sound), so the news that I wouldn’t have to leave until Wednesday morning was welcome. Over the weekend and through Tuesday, the three of us managed an incredible amount of work.
My house was in good physical shape, but a bit dirty and cluttered. Plus, its curb appeal was limited at best, as I hadn’t really been keeping check on the weeds and bushes that line the front of the house. We got the Mercury started (it needed a new battery, new spark plugs, and a wholesale change of the gas in the tank) just enough to get it onto the car hauler, and then proceeded to manage a ton of yard work and to clean every room in the house. The house is now completely show-ready and in the process of being put on the market.
This morning I drove up to Wichita (a 5.5 hour drive) and straight into the office. The 350Z is loaded up like a mofo out in the parking lot, awaiting its unloading in the hotel/motel room. I brought the Xbox 360, a ton of DVD’s, my laptop, a ton of clothes, books, etc. I should be well-set for the hotel stay, and now have to find a place to stay in middle-of-nowhere, Iowa.
Still, it’s gone remarkably well so far and I’m optimistic. Hopefully I can stay that way…