Casino poker, first time ever
So, the 4-on 4-off schedule that I've been on for the past two months at work is actually turning out to be quite nice. Among other things, having four straight days off is just a hell of a boon to my sanity. The only hard part is the fact that it's two stretches of fronts, then backs, then fronts, etc. On my first transition to this schedule I worked 7 straight days of backs, the transitioned immediately to four straight fronts, then had four days off, then went right back to backs. By the time I was done with that I didn't have any idea which damn way was up.
In any case, yesterday, on a total impulse, I decided to hop into the car and make the 2.5 hour drive down to Shreveport, which houses the nearest cluster of quality casinos. Seeing as how it seems to be the only casino in Shreveport that has a decent poker room, I chose the Horseshoe to make my play, and brought with me $600 in cash, as well as an overnight bag (including this computer), in case I decided to stay the night.
Believe it or not, with all of the gambling that I have done with our home poker game and online, this was the first time I'd ever set foot in a casino. I've been reading and hearing about people doing it for years, so I knew more or less what to expect, but regardless, this was the first time I'd gotten around to it myself.
So, I had skipped out on my meal, and stayed up late the previous night so as to ease the transition to backs, and had to stop by the bank before taking off at around 2:30. I arrive in Shreveport at around 5:00, and after finding a parking spot, getting a feel for the casino layout, and grabbing some dinner at a buffet (overpriced @$20, but it was at least decent food), I made my play.
There was a $1-2NL game going as well as a $4-8 limit, but there was a 6 person waiting list for both, and the next lowest stake was $2-5NL and $10-20 limit, as well as a $70+R tournament, all of which are somewhat above my comfort zone (truthfully $1-2NL is a bit above my comfort zone as well, but not by so much). I'd brought $600 in cash with me, and lucked out as they had recently opened a new $1-2NL table and I was able to get a seat immediately to a table that quickly filled up.
I didn't find that I was overly intimidated, as I saw immediately that there were players at the table that had absolutely no idea whatsoever what the hell they were doing. That's always a good sign. I decided to buy in for the max, $200, thinking that if I busted, I would probably reload for just $100. I sat down in seat 5.
When I sat down, the very first hand I saw involved an all-in. A player I will refer to here as Fat Bastard, a 400-pounder who had already accumulated about $100 in profit, was in seat 10, and had the button this hand. There were three limpers, and Fat Bastard raised to $10. A youngish-guy about my age in Seat 1, who I will refer to as "Young Buck" smooth-called from the small blind, and a Hot College Chick reraised from the big blind up to $40. It was folded back to Fat Bastard, who called, at which point Young Buck reraised for $108 more, all-in. I almost blurted out, "Wow, there's aces", but stopped myself when I saw Fat Bastard pondering a call. He didn't ponder for very long, and made the call with TT. Of course Young Buck showed aces, and a ten came on the flop. Young Buck was livid. He seemed to know what he was doing, I would later determine, despite the bizarre way in which he played this particular hand (smooth-calling a button raise with 4 other people in the pot with AA? Not Done!). Two hands later, after Young Buck had reloaded for $200 and then immediately lost a substantial pot to Hot College Chick, he wound up all-in with a player on my left, in seat 6, who I would eventually start thinking of as Sprint Service Center (an enormous calling station). Young Buck had AK, Sprint Service Center had AQ. The flop came with a Q and Young Buck did not improve. To his credit, Young Buck immediately reloaded for $200 and managed to avoid tilty play, though he was understandably complaining.
About ten hands in, I had done nothing but fold, I was dealt Js Jh and the dude on my right, an Asian gentleman in his mid-forties who would have been a dead ringer for Pat Morita circa Karate Kid 1 if Pat Morita had been fifty pounds heavier, made it $10 to go from the button in the face of a bunch of limpers. I opted not to reraise from the small blind, as I was a bit gunshy and Fat Pat Morita seemed to know which way was up. So I called, and it wound up turning into a 7-way pot. The flop came 25A, I checked, and folded when Sprint Service Center (a 40ish white dude who was clearly the biggest sucker at the table, an absolute calling station), bet out for $40 and Fat Pat Morita made the call. Fat Pat Morita called Sprint Service Center down with AT and won a nice pot.
The very next hand, from the button, I was dealt the exact same hand! Js Jh, identical right down to the same two suits. There were 4 limpers, including Young Buck and Fat Pat Morita. This time I raised, making it $15 to go. Sprint Service Center called from the big blind, as did all the limpers, making it a $90 pot pre-flop. I'm totally not used to this, so I'm sweating the flop severely.
It seems favorable but potentially dangerous, 79T rainbow. I wasn't overly concerned about a straight, but two pair was a real possibility. It was checked all the way around to me, and I bet out $80, standard operating procedure, protecting my vulnerable overpair. Sprint Service Center immediately check-raised me all-in, another $50 that I felt compelled to call on general principle when it was folded around to me. Sprint Service Center surprised me by showing 8To, a truly bizarre call from the small blind in the face of a big raise from the button, but as a substatial favorite, I didn't particularly mind. The turn gave a K, and the river a Q, giving me a better straight, and Sprint Service Center started talking as if I'd sucked out on him, "I can't believe you made the better straight!" I looked at him a bit quizzically, saying, "Um, I was kind of ahead the whole way there, but whatever." The hand seemed to upset him visibly, which struck me as strange, because someone that played as poorly as he did should quickly become accustomed to losing big pots.
That was an enormous score for me, and when I dragged a pot a few hands later when I limped from middle position with QTs (following 2 other limpers) and caught a flop of 7TT, and later won a pot with TT where I made the 3rd nut flush on the turn and called $10 and $15 microbets down from a player that had the 7-high flush, I realized that I had already more than doubled up. Couldn't have asked for a better start.
Seat 2, which had been empty, filled up with an Asian guy that looked like a photoshop morph between Johnny Chan and John Cho (a good actor who is likely to be tragically stereotyped for life as the Asian MILF guy from the American Pie movies, and/or Harold from Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle). Johnny Cho seemed to know what he was doing, and wasn't needlessly calling off his chips.
The next hand I played was QKs from under-the-gun, making it $10 to go. Once again, 5 people called me (I started to get insecure, asking Fat Pat Morita if my play was so bad that people were that anxious to see flops with me). The flop came 8KA, giving me 2nd pair and a good kicker. I bet out $40, two-thirds the pot, hoping I could represent a big ace and drag it down. Everyone folded except Johnny Cho, who I felt would be a player I might be able to push off. The turn bricked, a deuce, and I fired out $50. Johnny Cho thought about it for a while, talking at me, asking, "What are you wondering here, is my AQ good, is my AJ good?" He called, and unfortunately I felt like I wasn't in very good control of my posture, and probably seemed a little deflated by the call (which I certainly was). I had thought he might not call a big bet on the river, but I couldn't bring myself to fire that final bullet, since I would have had to bet at least $100 to make it seem like a serious value bet, and I felt like he was reading me well enough to sniff the bluff out anyway. I checked, Johnny Cho checked, and I showed my KQ. He had AT.
That setback past, I quickly flopped a set wih 77 on a 7KA board and got most of the money I had lost back from Fat Pat Morita, who had AQ and paid off a decent bet, before leaving with a substantial win (at least +$500), and being replaced by an annoying dude who had a habit of commenting on the action while it was taking place, and who liked to call out people's hands and was almost always wrong, who I will call the Know-it-All-Know-Nothing, or KIAKN for short. I was back over $400 when the biggest hand of the night happened.
With the requisite 3 limpers, followed by a raise to $10 from KIAKN on the button, I looked down from the small blind to see 9d 9c. I called, as did only one of the limpers, a player who was the only one to be there for my entire 6-hour session, who I would later learn to be the Rock of Gibraltar, in Seat 9. He was tighter than most in his pre-flop selection, though he would take opportunities to see a cheap flop when he could, but he would only engage post-flop when he had a very strong hand, he never made continutation bets, and he did fairly well over the course of the night. This information, as it turned out, would have been quite valuable in this particular hand, but I had none of it at the time; I don't think that Rock of Gibraltar had yet to show down a hand all night, though he had won a few, and was slightly up.
In any case, the flop came 8d 9c Qd, giving me middle set, putting a possible straight on the board, and a potential diamond flush draw.
I happened to be looking at KIAKN when the flop came, and I could tell that he was just itching to bet, so I decided a check-raise with my set was in order. Rock of Gibraltar checked as well, and KIAKN immediately and confidently fired out $25.
I announced my raise fairly quickly, and called the bet, before counting out what I felt to be the appropriate raise, an additional $50, with the intent of tying KIAKN to the hand and pot committing him if he had a strong-but-drawing-almost-dead hand like AQ, which I felt was a very strong possibility. I had my eyes on KIAKN when I noticed that Rock of Gibraltar was taking an inordinate amount of time to fold. Eventually I glanced in his direction to see him counting out chips. Wha? Visions of TJ were floating through my head, and I started wondering if I could possibly get away from the hand if he pushed me all in, but then, Rock of Gibraltar just called!
He was sitting on what looked to be about $150 behind that call, and suddenly, all of my interest in KIAKN vanished; I barely noticed when he folded. The first word to come to mind was "bizarre". I tried to come up with two cards I could be holding in the Rock of Gibraltar's spot where I would simply call that bet, and I couldn't do it. Maybe -- MAYBE -- Td Jd, for the made straight with the flush draw, but even that is very dicy considering that I've just announced obscene strength, which could mean any number of things, of which a set is an obvious possibility. What does he do on the turn if the board pairs? Assuming he had TJ, which of course was my immediate thought, the only other thought I had was that he assumed I also had TJ as well, and was hoping that KIAKN would make an overcall, giving us a larger overall pot to chop, particularly if he was freerolling with the Td Jd. Regardless, I think this was a mistake.
In any case, the turn bricked, a deuce, and I checked. Rock of Gibraltar immediately went all-in for $148. And I went deep into the tank.
First step was to calculate the amount of money in the pot. Around $30 pre-flop (the folded limpers' chips were by now in the rake), another $175 on the flop, for just over $200. $150 more for the bet I had to call, being offered $350 by the pot. I called that 2.3:1 pot odds, close enough for government work. I would need to win this pot 30% of the time for the call to be profitable.
If he did in fact have TJ, I would have 10 outs with one card to come, with 44 left in the deck, which I knew off the top of my head put me as a 3.5:1 dog, a 22% chance of catching the card I needed. For the sake of my brain, I simplified this down to 20%, meaning that, 80% of the time I would lose $150, 20% of the time I would win $350. That's -$120 + $70, for an equity of $-50, a clear fold.
But, the cards were, sadly, not face up, so I had to evaluate if there were hands other than TJ that made sense. Certainly QQ, the only other hand I'm behind, made no sense; he would have raised it pre-flop, and barring that, would have limp-reraised it when it was raised behind him. I put that at 0%, meaning any other hand he could have, I was ranging from a large to overwhelming favorite against.
Of all the other possibilities, 88 made the most sense. The preflop limp-call makes sense, and the call on the flop becomes a mealy-mouthed "I don't know where I'm at, but I'm way too strong to fold here" play, which is of course bad, but ruling out bad play is not always (or in fact usually) correct. The shove on the turn is a direct result of my showing weakness by checking. Against 88 I was essentially 100% equity, meaning positive $350. I then went through the calculation to determine where the break-even point was regarding how sure I had to be that he had TJ before the call becomes profitable.
My first stab was 80%; if 80% of the time I lose $50, that's -$40, and 20% of the time I win $350, that's $70, giving me +$30 equity. Re-running the calculation at 90% gave -$10, putting the breakeven point at something like 87.5%.
Then experience comes into play. I think to myself, if I play this hand 5 times, does he turn over TJ all 5 times? Or does one of those 5 times reveal 88? I decided that it was almost dead freakin' even. The guy wasn't giving off anything I could pass off as a cold tell; maybe if I knew him, I would have known (and indeed, I did pick up a tell or two from him as the night went on), but I was running basically blind, and wasn't putting much stock in physical tells. He was giving me a bit of a death stare, but staying very still. It seemed to be some kind of rehearsed posture for big pots. I didn't really feel like I gleaned any useful information from him.
What pushed me over the edge into calling was that I also considered that there was some chance (not a great one) that he was on some sort of semi-bluff with a hand like Ad Td, or that he had a massive draw like 6d 7d. This was unlikely, maybe 5%, but that's 5% where I'm a big favorite, and provides at least a small equity push in my favor. I said "This hand is just a tiny bit too strong to get rid of" and made the call, after almost 5 minutes of thinking (the other players at the table were very respectful).
He turned over Ts Jh, and the river bricked, a king, as a $500 pot, the biggest I've ever been involved in, was pushed over to the Rock of Gibraltar.
That said, I'm convinced that the call was necessary, although it's important to point out that if my hand had been 88 instead of 99, it would have been a clear fold, and I'm very convinced that I would have made it.
Amazingly, that loss put me exactly back where I started, an even $200. That was somehow encouraging; I felt as though I had just pushed the reset button on my old Nintendo, and could start the Ninja Gaiden level again, with the only difference being, this time, I had more information.
The next big pot I was involved in was another pocket pair, this time 77. I was back up to $280 or so after several successive wins of smallish pots, and feeling comfortable again. Fat Bastard open-raised for $10 and got the requisite 3 callers. I called from the button, and the flop came 2h 7h Qc. Fat Bastard bet $20 and everyone folded. I raised to $80 and he called, almost beating me into the pot. The turn bricked, a 3d, and he checked. I saw that I had him covered with just over $200, and that there was almost $200 in the pot. I felt very strongly that he was on a heart draw, possibly with overs with a hand like Ah Kh, or with top pair like Ah Qh or Kh Qh, but remembering that it was Fat Bastard that had so erroneously called Young Buck's huge pre-flop raise with TT (and proceeding to suck out), and as a result felt he would have enormous trouble getting rid of any strong hand. I shoved all-in, a slight overbet of the pot, but I think it was correct. I did my best to give Caro tells out, particularly a hand over the mouth, staring at the pot, and breating more rapidly than was natural, and it wasn't all acting; despite the fact that he hadn't insta-called, meaning that I was a massive favorite, my pulse was racing, and I could feel my corroted artery thumping in my neck. I did my best to look nervous without overdoing it, but Fat Bastard wasn't really paying any attention to me. Eventually he folded Ah Qh face-up, and obviously if I thought he was capable of that laydown I would have bet less; I was surprised. Young Buck correctly called out my hand at that point ("you had pocket sevens, didn't you?") and to that I decided to show. It wasn't THAT impressive a read - there were only a few hands I could have realistically had there - but still, props to the guy.
In this time, Sprint Service Center had left, stuck over $400, and been replaced with Old Fart, an even bigger calling station fish who quickly dumped $200 and left, to be replaced with Sistah, a tiny, middle-aged black woman who immediatelly ordered a Hennessey, straight up. I salivated, and not because the drink smelled good. The seat on my left was full of the Sucker, all night. I looked for an opportunity to swap over to seat 7, but never got it.
Johnny Cho was replaced with Jesus Bling, a large black dude who sported a silver necklace that had a large Jesus face medallion on it, and Hot College Chick gave way to Mos Def, a wiry black guy that was a dead ringer for the rapper/actor. Jesus Bling was wild, a talkative player with a touch of maniac in him, while Mos Def was tight/solid. Seat 8, who had been a nondescript rock, was replaced with Frat Boy, a cocky, stupid, aggressive player with a fondness for dumping chips that might as well have been wearing an alpha-beta-zeta sweatshirt and matching baseball cap. Young Buck eventually left and was replaced with World Series Sam, a 60ish guy decked out in WSOP apparrel.
A won pot here and there left me steadily accumulating chips, and as most of the pots I won were $60 or more, seeing as how almost every pot was raised and 6-handed, the blinds didn't mean much. I settled into a comfortable tight-aggressive style and had a wonderful table image. At the start of the night I felt like a complete newbie, by the end of it I was very comfortable.
That being said, the play was easy because I caught a frozen wave of cards; every hand was 93 offsuit, J2 offsuit, A3 suited with a raise and reraise in front of me, 57 suited from the big blind, checking my option as the flop came AK9. I got away with a few continuation bluffs, taking pots that nobody seemed interested in, but didn't press my luck too far. I busted Jesus Bling at least twice, as he kept reloading for $100 and began dumping off chips.
Meanwhile, to my left, Sistah was chatting it up with me, almost whispering in my ear, and sucking down Hennesseys very quickly. She had had 4 or 5 when I could tell that the alcohol had hit her like a Mack truck. Her speech became slurred, and she got loud.
And then she went crazy, frustrated at a pot that didn't go her way, and started announcing that she was going all-in blind, every hand. And she did, pushing her remaining $100 in for two hands in a row, before eventually World Series Sam called her with Q9 (he had some gamble in him) and busted her. She got up and left, making quite a scene. "I don't need this!" she was shouting. "I make my money! Sistah's got a job! Go ahead! Bust me out of a black woman's $400! Sistah's got a job! I make my money!" It was completely out of nowhere, and drew heads in the whole room, even taking attention off of a $10,000 pot at another table.
This was arond 11:00, and I was sitting comfortably at over $400 in front of me. That said, I had decided that I was going to drive back home that night, and I felt my attention beginning to waver. The superfish seemed to be gone, and while I felt like I had an edge over the table, it wasn't as big as I had been, and I finally played to my blinds and left at around midnight, up $244 after a six hour session, not overly shabby. Subtract $40 in gas money and additional cash spent on my meal, and that's still a good session, particularly for my first time ever playing a live cash game.
I drove home cautiously and arrived at around 3:00, stopping for gas and a snack. I collapsed in bed at around 4:30, feeling good about my impromptu adventure.
Labels: live poker, personal, poker